Olives of Beaulieu Dukkah is an exotic Egyptian spice blend of almonds, sesame seeds & spices which will enhance the flavor of innumerable dishes. Let your imagination run wild and experiment with Olives of Beaulieu Dukkah on your favourite recipes.
- "Do the Dukkah Double Dunk" - get some crusty bread; a small bowl of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, & a small bowl of Dukkah. Dunk your bread into the Oil & then into the Dukkah—Exquisite!
- Coat chicken breasts, or a rack of lamb with Dukkah.
- Sprinkle Dukkah on salads, hardboiled eggs or on egg dishes like quiches.
- Add a small amount to savoury pastry or bread dough for that “something different”.
- Sprinkle on green prawns prior to cooking.
- When cooking fish, sprinkle Dukkah over the top just before you take it off the pan.Dukkah tastes great with cauliflower
- Believe it or not, Olives of Beaulieu Dukkah is delicious on creamy vanilla
ice cream.